The choice of theme is quite delicate to make. Without setting a clear frontier, the author feels in liberty to express his imperfect, with-loss, non-ideal opinion ~ LOSSy ~
Today's sunday. Too many things to do; i've got to prepare my presentation slides for next week. In the same time, I need to do some urgent design simulations ... and tomorrow I need to do my course registration for this year ... and that needs me to go through all documentations required. My wife is too busy in the kitchen in this bulan puasa ... so many things you want to eat ... cook some kuih ... cook apple cake .... cook for this eveneing, cook for tomorrow. My daughter Maryam left alone. Watch tv, get into the room, leave the room, get back into the room and leave again, get bored, ask me for milk 10 times, ask mama for milk 12 times ... hehe ... she gets really bored ... but she doesnt cry. I'm touched that she can be very patient to be left alone all day ... even though its sunday. I'm so touched that late the afternoon, i stop working and take her out ... to the "canal du midi" ... with other family friends ....
I'm just too happy today .... rasa nak tersenyum tak berenti .... multilayer filter design aku akhirnya siap juga setelah 3 bulan sangkut dgn simulation yg memberi results yg bukan2 dan tak constant ... too much of 'effet parasite' yg dok ganggu simulation .... sampaila terdetik dalam kepala ni utk tukar acces .. bukan apa pun .. tukar dari lurus kepada 90° access je ... alhamdulillah bersyukur tak terkira! terbuka juga jalannya ... tu la .. kalau nak jadi susah tu, benda yg senang pun boleh jadi susah sangat ... aku selalu cakap kat diri aku, ilmu ni tuhan yg punya .... kita selalu dengar ustaz cakap bahawa "tuhan maha mengetahui" ... mmg sesungguhnya dia saja yg tau .... manusia ni mmg tak tau apa ... ilmu yg kita ada tu adalah rahmat darinya .... kalau kita paham konsep ilmu, kita takkan rasa bongkak dgn ilmu yg kita ada. well ... apa yg kita mampu buat ialah berusaha, berdoa agar ditunjukkan jalan, diberikan ilham, dikurniakan hidayah dan diberkati .... semoga kita sama2 mendapat ilmu rahmat tuhan, dan menjadi insan yg insaf.